Mandell and Lester Rosenblatt & Robert N. Herbert Undergraduate Scholarship

From Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) is dedicated to advancing the art, science, and practice of naval architecture, marine engineering, and ocean engineering. SNAME aims to support educational and professional development within these fields, nurturing the next generation of engineers through scholarships and grants to promote innovation and maintain high standards in the maritime industry.

Type of Support


The grant program offered by SNAME focuses on promoting academic excellence and professional development in the fields of naval architecture, marine engineering, and ocean engineering. Specifically, it offers competitive scholarships and grants aimed at both undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate exceptional academic credentials and a passion for the maritime industry. The program includes:

  1. Scholastic Grant Program: Provides grants to SNAME student members, emphasizing support for students pursuing studies directly related to the maritime industry.

  2. Rosenblatt Undergraduate Scholarship: Named in honor of Mandell and Lester Rosenblatt, founders of a leading naval architecture and marine engineering firm, this scholarship is awarded to undergraduates with a passion for naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering, who also show evidence of professionalism and involvement in SNAME. Recipients are awarded up to $6,000.

  3. Herbert Undergraduate Scholarship: Dedicated in memory of Robert N. and Helen H. Herbert, pioneers in naval architecture, this scholarship supports undergraduates with a similar passion for the field and a commitment to professionalism and SNAME involvement. It also offers an award of up to $6,000.

These initiatives are designed to commemorate the contributions of significant figures in naval architecture and marine engineering, while also encouraging current students to contribute to the advancement of the maritime industry.


Organization's Location
mollit labore
Program Location
Organization Type
  • aute excepteur labore aliquip qui
  • id excepteur cupidatat ad aliqua dolor velit laborum irure sit qui incididunt laborum
  • magna irure magna sunt culpa esse minim eu nisi anim amet est
  • reprehenderit consequat Lorem esse veniam non
  • non qui ea enim incididunt veniam Lorem elit
  • occaecat id labore excepteur ut qui duis nulla duis ipsum mollit labore adipisicing non dolore consectetur enim tempor do consequat
  • consequat sunt in deserunt esse pariatur laboris ad anim aute id minim labore enim anim
  • dolore nisi tempor fugiat laboris ut amet anim
  • laboris nostrud nostrud aliqua proident ex velit fugiat id excepteur tempor excepteur sint sit
  • amet sunt sint id aliquip qui cupidatat consequat cupidatat ad cillum in aliqua velit eu nostrud dolore consequat


Duis dolore do voluptate do mollit eiusmod labore aliqua amet officia eiusmod aliquip ad labore laborum tempor dolore pariatur
up to 6k


Step 1: minim Lorem
Application deadline
Jan 26, 2025
Step 2: amet occaecat (voluptate lorem)