State Justice Institute Curriculum Adaptation & Training Grant

From State Justice Institute

The mission of the funder is to improve the administration of justice in state courts nationwide.

Type of Support


The Curriculum Adaptation & Training Grant (CAT Grant) aims to support judicial education and training by enabling courts or national court associations to customize and adapt model curricula, course modules, or conference programs. The grants focus on meeting specific educational needs within states or local jurisdictions, including training instructors and pilot-testing programs for effectiveness. Additionally, CAT Grants support judicial branch education and training programs to prepare judges and court personnel for newly adopted innovations, reforms, or technologies. The grant seeks projects that incorporate distance learning and technology and emphasizes the importance of effective implementation and ongoing educational programming integration. With a cap of $40,000 and a 12-month duration, applicants must contribute a match of at least 50% of the award amount, including a minimum cash contribution. Funding aims to address critical training needs within the judicial branch and requires a demonstrated commitment from applicants, including expressions of interest by judges and court personnel.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 40k


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