The Stewardship Foundation Grant

    From The Stewardship Foundation

    The Stewardship Foundation provides resources to Christ-centered organizations that share their faith in Jesus in word and deed with others throughout the world.

    Type of Support


    Grants are made to Christ-centered organizations that share their faith in Jesus in word and deed with others throughout the world. The programs we support include:

    • Leadership

      • Development of established leaders
      • Providing wider access to leadership for emerging leaders, sometimes through non-traditional pathways and from historically under-represented groups.
    • Poverty

      • Alleviating urban and rural poverty with a local emphasis on homelessness
      • Alleviating urban and rural poverty in the developing world through community development including agriculture, economic, education, health, and water initiatives
    • Justice and Reconciliation

      • Working on behalf of people suffering all forms of injustice, oppression and persecution, particularly racial and ethnic injustice
      • Promoting civil dialogue, constructive bridge building, and restoration initiatives
    • Faith and Discipleship

      • Organizations whose work draws people closer to Christ
      • Efforts to nurture faith in Christ through genuine, faithful relationships
    • Children at risk

      • Assisting vulnerable children, protecting them from abuse and unfair treatment, helping them to develop and thrive as healthy human beings


    Organization's Location
    quis dolore
    Program Location
    laborum consequat velit veniam tempor do occaecat nisi
    Organization Type
    • sit amet veniam nostrud incididunt irure culpa reprehenderit in dolor officia consequat esse sunt et mollit
    • enim nulla eiusmod sit sint occaecat fugiat proident do do nostrud


    Ipsum nulla proident do aliqua
    Amet laboris
    Aliquip adipisicing proident
    Non quis
    Proident labore et mollit minim fugiat
    Id dolore
    Laborum cupidatat labore laboris
    not specified


    Step 1: ad incididunt ad
    Application deadline
    Feb 18, 2025
    Step 2: irure esse (elit minim)
    Required Attachments
    cillum sint ex
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    labore cillum consectetur excepteur sint excepteur minim est id occaecat anim velit nostrud non

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