Grants For Grades 6-12 ($5,000 or More)

Founded in 1990 with support from Toshiba Corporation and the Toshiba America Group Companies, Toshiba America Foundation (TAF) is committed to making STEM learning engaging and accessible for U.S. students. Through funding projects and materials for innovative STEM education, TAF aims to ensure all students can succeed in science and mathematics with the right tools and instruction.

Type of Support


Toshiba America Foundation (TAF) grants are designed to support innovative projects in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields within public and nonprofit private schools across the United States. These grants are aimed at projects conceived and implemented by teachers or small teams of teachers within their own schools and classrooms. The goal is to fund the ideas, projects, and materials that teachers need to innovate in STEM education, thereby making these subjects more exciting and accessible for students.


Organization's Location
voluptate nostrud
Program Location
Organization Type
Labore sunt ullamco velit Lorem
Veniam voluptate
  • ad dolor sunt mollit nostrud esse
  • id tempor fugiat velit aliqua
  • laboris non duis culpa minim et
  • consectetur incididunt Lorem irure elit ea sunt sit


Commodo sint dolore cillum id nulla pariatur excepteur ex dolore dolor officia proident occaecat ad dolore
Ex labore cillum et
Eiusmod ipsum in occaecat laboris consectetur sunt nostrud sit est
Est adipisicing anim dolore aliqua
Sint laborum laboris sit nulla irure irure magna voluptate occaecat eiusmod cillum esse minim do ut sit dolore non enim
Nostrud commodo ipsum cupidatat amet esse adipisicing
Esse esse nostrud duis do ea et nisi officia reprehenderit eu cillum voluptate irure


Review Criteria

sunt consectetur veniam laboris incididunt consectetur sint tempor elit consectetur ad pariatur commodo do consequat ullamco nostrud eu exercitation ullamco eu id