Community Grant

Umpqua Bank is the largest bank headquartered in the Northwest and a leading western U.S. financial institution. Through the Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation, we are dedicated to building healthier, more resilient, better connected, and inclusive communities throughout our footprint.

Type of Support


Through grantmaking and the deployment of other charitable resources—both financial and human—we invest in nonprofit organizations, communities, and leaders with the intent of supporting direct-service programming that incorporates a diversity, equity, and inclusion focus. The Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation will only fund programs that serve a majority low-to-moderate (LMI) population. The Foundation prioritizes nonprofit organizations that engage current Umpqua Bank associates in a volunteer capacity and programs benefitting under-resourced communities.

Priority Impact Areas:

  • Economically Empowered Individuals
    • College, Career, Technical Readiness
    • Financial Competency
    • Housing Stability and Home Ownership
  • Vibrant Business Ecosystems
    • Entrepreneurship and Business Expansion
    • Small Business Support and Financial Guidance
  • Thriving Community
    • Family Engagement and Resiliency
    • Vibrant and Equitable Neighborhoods
    • Technical and Digital Connectivity


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type


Individual schools
Animal adoptions/care/training
Medical/dental/mental health
Political advocacy/campaigns/lobbying
Religious activities or organizations that include religion in programs
Multi-year commitments
Capital requests, including new or upgraded buildings
Capital/fundraising campaigns
Event sponsorships
Higher education scholarships
Association membership fees
Endowment funds or re-granting programs
Debt retirement or deficit funding
Activities providing the Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation, Umpqua Bank, or its associates with any tangible benefits in exchange for the grant
5k – 10k


You may submit applications every year.
Required Attachments
Organizational Budget
Project Budget
W9 Form
Review Criteria

We prioritize programs that have an Umpqua associate involved, especially in a leadership capacity. Before you submit another application, we expect that you have made progress on at least one of the following:

  • Recruited Umpqua Bank associates to volunteer, at least episodically. If you have not been successful, please explain your efforts to engage Umpqua associates.
  • If it made sense, sought Umpqua Bank associates to fill open community leadership positions (board or committee) at your organization.
  • Posted volunteer opportunities through the YourCause Nonprofit Platform.
  • Having active conversations with us to explore ways to engage volunteer associates.