DRL Promoting an Inclusive West Africa (PIWA)

    From US Department of State: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL)

    The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) champions universal values, including respect for the rule of law, democratic institutions, and human rights.  The Bureau’s work helps bolster democratic institutions, confront democratic backsliding, promote accountability, uphold internationally recognized labor standards, and advance the rights and equity of members of marginalized racial, ethnic, and religious communities, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQI+ persons.

    Type of Support


    This grant program seeks to address the issue of ethnic marginalization in Coastal West Africa, focusing on enhancing the involvement and treatment of marginalized ethnic groups within political, civic, and daily life contexts. It recognizes the challenges posed by power consolidation, poor governance, and rising violent extremism, which have led to the exclusion and discrimination against certain ethnic communities. In particular, the grant aims to tackle the limitations faced by marginalized groups in participating fully in decision-making roles, their underrepresentation in government, civil service, and armed forces, and discrimination in employment and access to essential services such as credit, healthcare, and education. The program also highlights the plight of individuals lacking necessary documentation for citizenship or public resource access, including migrants and rural society members, despite legal protections.


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