FY2024 - Historic Preservation Fund- Annual State Historic Preservation Office Grants

From US Department of the Interior: National Park Service (NPS)

The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.

Type of Support


This funding program aims to support the operations of State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) across the United States, including the 50 states, 5 territories, 3 Freely Associated States, and the District of Columbia. It focuses on the identification, evaluation, and protection of historic properties through various means such as survey, planning, technical assistance, physical preservation, leveraging Federal tax incentives, nominations to the National Register of Historic Places, and distributing funds to Certified Local Governments. The program is designed to assist Federal, State, and local government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private individuals in historic preservation activities, ensuring compliance with the American Historic Preservation Act.


Organization's Location
USA, Marshall Islands, Palau, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, British Virgin Islands, Federated States of Micronesia
Program Location
Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Federated States Of, Palau, USA, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Organization Type
100k – 2.2M


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