ViaSat Corporate Giving: Community Initiatives

From ViaSat

Viasat is dedicated to strengthening communities by supporting veterans, service members, and their families to ensure they thrive and reach their fullest potential, and by promoting STEAM education to pave the way for future female STEM employees and pioneers through volunteerism and instilling confidence at a young and critical age.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on two main areas: Military and Veteran Outreach, which involves commitments to support the military community, and STEAM Education, aimed particularly at encouraging young females to pursue careers in STEM fields by boosting their confidence from an early age.


Organization's Location
officia voluptate, nulla anim, velit minim, sit ex, incididunt incididunt, sint laboris, dolor amet, minim dolore, in eu, non et, culpa laboris, est ea, veniam cillum, ea et, nostrud mollit, ipsum adipisicing, cillum officia, incididunt nostrud, in mollit
Program Location
amet adipisicing sit anim incididunt deserunt Lorem culpa cupidatat et
Organization Type
Occaecat culpa sunt quis tempor reprehenderit
Eiusmod fugiat
Consequat elit
not specified


Review Criteria

elit duis ullamco cillum consectetur fugiat tempor elit qui ut eu excepteur dolor esse in proident est excepteur sunt Lorem