Lawrence Wisne Grant

From Lawrence Wisne Foundation

Lawrence Wisne Foundation honors the memory of Lawrence Wisne through philanthropic support for education initiatives, child safety and wellbeing, and innovations in healthcare.

Type of Support


  • Child Wellbeing: The Foundation is interested in the lives of children and their families, and providing support for their safety and access to programs that enable them to grow and thrive.
  • Education Initiatives: The Foundation seeks to support innovation in education, scholarship and learning opportunities.
  • Healthcare: The Foundation supports initiatives to innovate health care.


Organization's Location
Program Location
USA with strong preference for MI (Southeast Michigan)
Organization Type


The Foundation does not provide support for operating expenses, endowments, loans, religious activities, lobbying or political purposes, capital projects, fundraising events, or conferences.
not specified


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)
Required Attachments
501(c)(3) Letter
Project Budget
Organizational Budget
Board List
Form 990
Audited Financial Statement
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)