Image for KBP Foods

    KBP Foods

    15 applies last week
    Donating in laborum mollit deserunt
    KBP Foods is the parent company that owns the restaurant chains Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, and Long John Silver's.

    What they donate

    Gift card(s), free chicken sandwich card(s), discounted catering

    Who they donate to

    exercitation id dolore occaecat reprehenderit ut in nisi fugiat irure
    ullamco voluptate adipisicing
    to view approval rates and average donation values

    ·4 reviews

    Catholic Academy of Niagara Falls
    December 2023·Approved
    The company is very easy to inquire about a donation from. They offer a quick response and you generally receive the donation within a week. Thank you KBP Foods for helping us out!!
    AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Post 99 Vandalia OH
    February 2023·Approved
    Very easy to complete the on line application. They responded very quickly and we received our donation within a few weeks. Thank you KBP Foods for your support!
    Catholic Academy of Niagara Falls
    January 2023·Approved
    Quick response and received certificate for sandwiches.
    Atlanta Alumni Chapter of Shaw University
    December 2022·Approved
    It was an easy and smooth process. Submitted request, received response within 48 hours and received gift certificates within a week.