Image for Marriott International

Marriott International

Donating in all states except DE, ID, ME, MS, MT, ND, NH, SD, VT, WY
Marriott International is a leader in the hospitality industry, with over 8,000+ hotel properties across 139 countries.

What they donate

Room stays, gift certifcate(s)
Donation is small & easy to send to guests

Who they donate to

501(c)(3) required
Private schools; Private foundations (non-public charities, including personal and corporate foundations); Faith-based organizations or religious institutions or programs; Individuals; Retirement of operating debts or providing of loans for any purpose; Group or individual travel expenses; Unsolicited proposals for campaigns that focus on specific issues such as to eliminate or control particular diseases
to view approval rates and average donation values

·1 reviews

Catholic Academy of Niagara Falls
December 2023·Declined
They sent a nice email stating that it is better to try at your local level for a donation.