Sloan Foundation: Scientific Research Grant Program

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's mission focuses on supporting original research and broad-based education related to science, technology, and economics. The Foundation aims to improve the quality of life through learning and innovation.

Type of Support


The Science Program, particularly within the scope of the Chemistry of Indoor Environments, is dedicated to establishing a new scientific field centered on the chemistry occurring in indoor spaces. This program supports research that aims to understand the fundamental chemical processes in indoor environments, how these processes are influenced by building design and human occupancy, and their overall implications. Key objectives include generating new knowledge, developing a modeling consortium for better community integration, building a multidisciplinary research community, training the next generation of researchers, and creating research protocols and tools for discovery. Research areas of interest include the effects of the built environment and its occupants on indoor chemistry, identifying key sources of indoor chemical compounds, and understanding the nature of chemical and physical transformations indoors.


Organization's Location
ullamco voluptate
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Lorem officia id officia tempor esse anim sit
  • magna laboris ullamco in qui labore quis excepteur Lorem
  • eu adipisicing in id labore adipisicing qui culpa consequat deserunt aute sint anim et


Tempor cillum qui excepteur ea aute mollit deserunt ullamco cillum
Enim officia cupidatat qui irure eu
Laboris dolor
Nulla esse ipsum exercitation pariatur culpa magna aute officia eu
Eu quis enim eiusmod occaecat reprehenderit culpa sint duis proident deserunt voluptate
Enim minim commodo voluptate in ipsum ex sint reprehenderit pariatur elit id irure excepteur
Incididunt eiusmod aliquip non duis nulla
Non excepteur proident proident irure eiusmod consequat cillum pariatur commodo cillum veniam duis anim elit cupidatat
not specified


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