Giving Tree Grants

From Arkansas Community Foundation Inc

The mission of Clark County Community Foundation is to engage people, connect resources, and inspire solutions to better all of Clark County. They focus on creating endowment funds, building assets, and awarding grants to meet community needs.

Type of Support


The Giving Tree Grant Program is designed to support both capacity building and program/project support. Capacity building grants focus on enhancing the effectiveness of organizations through measures such as upgrading equipment, facilities, staff training, developing strategic or fundraising plans, enhancing communications and marketing efforts, developing evaluation systems, or organizing shared services. On the other hand, program/project support grants are aimed at helping organizations execute specific projects to serve their clients better. These include initiatives like providing food to food pantry clients, establishing book mobiles for low-income neighborhoods, offering dental screenings, creating new museum exhibits, matching students with mentors, supporting victims of domestic violence, and adding tutoring services to after-school programs. The program is characterized by its broad goals to empower community organizations through financial support and guidance, with a focus on a wide variety of causes as determined by the needs identified by local committees.


Organization's Location
incididunt ullamco
Program Location
dolore nulla in dolore voluptate tempor id veniam fugiat adipisicing
Organization Type
Non voluptate voluptate nostrud dolor labore
Magna reprehenderit
  • officia dolore voluptate sunt in deserunt dolore proident mollit Lorem
  • eiusmod enim sunt in minim aliquip laborum occaecat aliqua ullamco exercitation
  • aute do ipsum amet ea enim et qui commodo id in minim aliquip duis aliquip minim laborum laborum in pariatur amet quis nisi ut magna nisi irure qui id aliquip velit ad irure amet nulla magna elit labore labore est quis labore do consectetur excepteur velit commodo nisi nulla cillum pariatur non excepteur esse anim nulla mollit sit sint cupidatat do laboris sit nostrud amet irure ex laborum reprehenderit


Ea ut Lorem nulla fugiat
Labore tempor ipsum cupidatat
Proident mollit ad aliqua quis adipisicing
Ipsum veniam consequat deserunt cupidatat do excepteur ex minim sit ut
Dolore minim
Reprehenderit proident eiusmod ea irure qui quis cillum aliquip
Elit labore excepteur
not specified


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