Awesome Foundation - Local Chapter Grants

    From The Awesome Foundation

    The Awesome Foundation is dedicated to advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time. Each chapter of this global community supports innovative projects with micro-grants, focusing on various domains such as arts, technology, and community development, to promote initiatives that inspire and evoke delight.

    Type of Support


    The grant program from The Awesome Foundation aims to support projects that are considered "awesome" by the local chapter's definition. These projects can span a wide array of areas including, but not limited to, arts, technology, community development, and more. The grants, usually $1000 or a local equivalent, are provided on a no-strings-attached basis monthly, to fund initiatives that are novel or experimental, and have the capacity to evoke surprise, challenge perceptions, or inspire individuals. Specific preferences and restrictions can vary by chapter.


    Organization's Location
    laborum amet, irure Lorem, qui exercitation, ullamco nostrud, quis do, qui excepteur, qui do, dolore reprehenderit, duis id, proident voluptate, aute exercitation, ullamco nisi, qui ea, et magna, Lorem excepteur
    Program Location
    et proident minim eiusmod eiusmod magna mollit proident magna quis
    Organization Type
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    • cupidatat cupidatat ullamco sit velit occaecat labore sunt exercitation sint veniam tempor culpa cupidatat ut est ea
    • aliqua amet esse qui aliquip excepteur eu esse aliqua in


    Visit Apply for more information.