Bell’s Brewery Sponsorships and Donations

From Bell's Brewery, Inc.

Bell's Brewery has dedicated over thirty years to creating unique and inspired craft beer in Michigan, growing to become a leading destination in the craft brew industry for the Great Lakes region and beyond. From reducing our impact on the environment, to advocating on behalf of small business owners, to amplifying underrepresented voices and celebrating the differences and eccentricities that make us who we are—we recognize the powerful ability of beer to foster community and leave a lasting impact.

Type of Support


Bell's Brewery Sponsorships and Donations program focuses on supporting community events and initiatives by providing sponsorships and donations of Bell's branded merchandise. The grants aim to be part of events that allow for active involvement beyond mere logo placement, favoring those that offer interaction with their audience and reflect the community's uniqueness and inclusivity. While they cannot donate beer due to legal restrictions, Bell's is interested in proposals from events that provide a genuine chance for engagement and align with their eccentric brand personality. All requests for support must be submitted at least 8 weeks in advance to ensure adequate preparation time, with a preference for even more notice for larger events.


Organization's Location
laboris Lorem
Program Location
duis aliquip deserunt officia sunt do enim qui officia ullamco
Organization Type
  • dolor nisi ex minim ut reprehenderit velit qui incididunt velit consequat mollit amet occaecat ut elit consequat ut labore sunt in irure quis magna ullamco est culpa mollit veniam occaecat amet do sit amet aute incididunt non incididunt reprehenderit ea qui cupidatat qui velit ut eu elit velit nisi cupidatat anim enim irure ex Lorem cillum consectetur magna non cupidatat


Culpa laboris
Ea pariatur
Culpa tempor
Laborum in
Voluptate commodo
Eu dolore sunt elit
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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