Dr. Robert C. and Tina Sohn Foundation Grants

The Foundation is committed to supporting a variety of causes, with a focus on the environment, alternative healthcare, and the arts. It aims to bring awareness and education in these areas to underserved populations, particularly young people. The Foundation maintains flexibility to support other causes as determined by its Trustees.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support projects across a broad spectrum of causes including the environment, alternative healthcare, and the arts. It places a specific emphasis on educational projects that increase awareness among underserved communities, especially young people. While the Foundation does not limit its geographic focus, historical giving has primarily been in New York and Massachusetts. Additionally, the Foundation retains the flexibility to fund other causes as decided by its Trustees.


Organization's Location
culpa magna
Program Location
Organization Type
Aute aliqua ipsum laborum aliqua qui eiusmod est anim occaecat est excepteur ipsum
  • labore laborum sint laboris sunt elit aliquip do cillum officia dolor
  • mollit esse reprehenderit laborum et voluptate pariatur enim occaecat ut laboris enim velit


Esse deserunt duis duis minim irure duis labore quis ullamco esse
Non occaecat occaecat
Tempor quis ut eiusmod exercitation deserunt aliqua ea
Adipisicing consectetur exercitation excepteur ea fugiat ea sunt aliquip veniam cupidatat
not specified


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