Maitland Emmet BENHS Research Fund and Grants

    From British Entomological and Natural History Society

    The British Entomological & Natural History Society (BENHS) aims to forward the study of entomology and natural history, involving leading entomologists and including research on insects and other invertebrates related to the British Fauna. Founded in 1872, it seeks to support the advancement of entomological knowledge through community involvement and research initiatives.

    Type of Support


    The Maitland Emmet BENHS Research Fund and Grants program is designed to support research on insects and other invertebrates with a focus on the British Fauna. The grants are open to both members and non-members of BENHS. The program encourages projects that include fieldwork on insects or other invertebrates important for conservation efforts, and the creation of identification guides and distribution lists. Although the research and travel may extend beyond the British Isles, there must be a clear relevance to the British fauna. Funded research could involve traveling to examine museum collections or consulting with taxonomic specialists. Recipients are expected to report back to BENHS within six months of their project's completion and are encouraged to contribute to the Society’s Journal or present at the AGM or Annual Exhibition.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Review Criteria

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