The Burnham Foundation Grant

The mission of The Burnham Foundation is to support and develop community spirit in Burnham and its surrounding district.

Type of Support


The Burnham Foundation seek to support specific projects / activities within our local area that will help to:

  • Develop sporting activities
  • Encourage artistic activities
  • Promote the volunteering ethos within the Burnham Community
  • Support volunteers, e.g. Training sessions to gain Coaching Qualifications
  • Support activities that help to improve the lives of the elderly
  • Support the development of the younger generation
  • Provide equipment
  • Support Sport and Community Groups to improve facilities to enable more people to get involved in their activities
  • Support activities to remove barriers that limit the full participation of the less able bodied in sports and the arts
  • Enhance environmental awareness within the Burnham Community


Organization's Location
United Kingdom
Program Location
United Kingdom (Burnham)
Organization Type
Registered charity
not specified


Step 1: Pre-proposal
Application deadline
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)