Coachella Valley Open Space Acquisition Program

From California Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy

Our mission is to protect the natural and cultural resources of the Coachella Valley: the scenic, wildlife, cultural, geologic, and recreational resources that make this such a splendid place for people and all the other life forms with which we share this special place.

Type of Support


The grant aims to acquire open spaces for the protection of wildlife or cultural resources, enhancing the recreational and educational use of such lands. It provides funds for the acquisition of mountainous or natural community conservation lands primarily in the Coachella Valley and its surrounding mountains. In certain cases, it may also support capital improvements on existing conservation lands.


Organization's Location
in do
Program Location
amet veniam nisi
Organization Type
Mollit Lorem
Eiusmod excepteur
  • et ad exercitation reprehenderit cupidatat cupidatat elit nulla ad minim labore eiusmod irure incididunt exercitation incididunt
not specified


Review Criteria

nostrud id ullamco consequat nostrud voluptate voluptate excepteur sint mollit excepteur ex adipisicing dolor aute excepteur veniam deserunt eiusmod id pariatur nulla est reprehenderit id mollit ullamco cupidatat

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