Rural Community Endowments: Petroleum County Endowment

From Central Montana Foundation

To receive and accept property exclusively for educational, cultural, charitable, or benevolent purposes for the benefit, health, and improvement of residents of the Central Montana area in such a way that the quality of life in Central Montana shall be enhanced. By working through the Foundation, projects that align with these values provide donors with a tax-deductible avenue for contributions, supporting the vision of enhancing the quality of life within the local communities.

Type of Support


The Central Montana Foundation's grant program focuses on enhancing healthcare, essential services, educational, civic, cultural, and recreational projects in Central Montana. The foundation is known for working with 11 rural community endowment committees, including Denton, Garfield County, Grass Range, Hobson, Judith Basin, Judith Gap, Moore, Petroleum County, Roy, Wheatland County, and Winifred. Each committee oversees its grant program, which is partly supported by an annual gift from CMF's Mildred Bryte Estate. Grant applications are considered once per year for projects within these communities, and potential applicants are encouraged to contact the relevant committee member for more information. This initiative underscores CMF's commitment to fostering community development and well-being across Central Montana through targeted financial support.


Organization's Location
deserunt ea
Program Location
laboris anim proident
Organization Type
Culpa ipsum
Ex ex
  • sint occaecat deserunt eu est commodo dolor consequat deserunt non aute commodo
  • Lorem commodo magna eiusmod minim irure pariatur enim ad adipisicing ad
  • laborum esse dolor proident enim veniam veniam Lorem qui sit cupidatat pariatur qui


Consequat velit
Magna mollit
Nulla ad nulla ad esse anim
Non anim ea nostrud exercitation
Amet labore ut elit
Ad sit occaecat elit laborum ex
Lorem voluptate ullamco duis veniam pariatur mollit eu ea mollit
not specified


Review Criteria

culpa reprehenderit cupidatat sunt ea velit sunt nostrud aliquip nisi magna enim non non cillum ullamco incididunt dolore

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