Charles Hayden Foundation Grant

The Charles Hayden Foundation is focused on supporting youth development and education programs. Its mission prioritizes programs that significantly impact young people by helping them gain knowledge and access to academic and career choices, fostering confidence and the ability to make informed decisions for their futures. The foundation aims for young individuals to achieve quality education and rewarding careers, with an emphasis on serving youth in Boston and metropolitan New York.

Type of Support


The Hayden Foundation Grant supports institutions targeting youth and young adults within specifically defined geographic regions—primarily New York City and Boston, extending to Newark, NJ. The grants focus on high school through post-secondary success, prioritizing programs that showcase strong evidence of impact on youth, have clear, measureable goals within a specific timeframe, and actively engage in youth development and educational enhancement. Specifically, the foundation funds:

  1. Youth development programs that foster caring, consistent relationships between staff and youth, providing enriching and safe activities, and preparation for post-secondary education.
  2. School programs, including charter, public district, and certain low-tuition independent and parochial schools, emphasizing rigorous academic standards, parental engagement, collaboration for enhanced learning, and student preparation for further education. Schools must meet operational and performance criteria to be eligible. The overarching goal of the Foundation’s funding is to ensure youth obtain quality education and rewarding careers, preparing them for informed academic and professional decision-making.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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