C3F: Urgent Needs Fund

From Charlevoix County Community Foundation

The mission of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation (C3F) is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Charlevoix County, both now and for future generations. It aims to support community improvements by accepting contributions of all sizes, making grants to various organizations, schools, and municipalities to foster positive changes within Charlevoix County.

Type of Support


The Urgent Needs Cycle is designed to support nonprofit partners in offering aid to residents of Charlevoix County facing immediate challenges. It focuses on helping meet individual needs such as food, shelter, safety, healthcare, mental health services, utility assistance, and transportation. The grant also supports capacity building for organizations working in these areas to improve service delivery or outreach efforts.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MI (Charlevoix County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Units of government
Educational institutions (preschool through college)
  • Serve Charlevoix County residents
  • Do not discriminate in hiring of staff or provision of services
  • Proposals from faith-based organizations must address community needs and have a clearly demonstrated public benefit
  • Proposals must be fully accessible to all persons regardless of religious beliefs and lifestyle choices


Faith-based organizations requiring something in return for services
Organizations seeking funding for annual fundraising campaigns
Groups involved in political campaigns
Entities looking to fund deficit spending
Projects that are sectarian in nature
Services typically supported by tax dollars
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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