Acorn Foundation Grant

From Common Counsel Foundation

The Acorn Foundation is a family foundation committed to advancing environmental conservation, sustainability, and environmental justice by supporting community-based organizations. It focuses on grassroots projects that promote environmental health, justice, and ecological preservation, especially targeting underserved communities.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Acorn Foundation aims to empower small and innovative community-based projects with a strong focus on community organizing. Its key objectives include advocating for environmental health and justice in low-income communities, communities of color, and indigenous communities; preserving and restoring habitats to support biological diversity and wildlife; and preventing or remedying toxic pollution.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than 600k
  • Located in the United States
  • Based in and working in a low and moderate-income community
  • Engaged in community, neighborhood, and/or workplace organizing
  • Engage in regular community and/or workplace outreach to build membership, with a concrete plan for growth and power building
  • Have a strong group of leaders and board members that represent and are accountable to the community served
  • Have clear policy and/or institutional change objectives with a strategy for achieving them
  • Use collective action to engage with public officials and decision-makers
  • Impact the daily lives of members
  • Have a strong leadership development program to foster new leaders and support group growth
  • Annual budget under $600,000
  • Limited access to corporate, government, or mainstream funding sources
  • Have a strong fundraising plan with a significant portion from grassroots fundraising


Organizations with total annual budgets over $600,000 per year
Intermediary organizations that serve grassroots organizations or are primarily training or technical assistance providers
Large national or regional networks
International organizations and organizations located outside of the United States
Direct social services like counseling, mentoring, healthcare, housing shelters
Educational, cultural or medical institutions or programs (including environmental education)
Capital campaigns, construction or renovation programs, endowments
Film, video, publications, or other media projects
Grantmaking institutions
Scholarship funds or other aid to individuals
Research or fellowships
Land trusts/land acquisitions
Government-sponsored programs or programs undertaken by tax-supported institutions
Organizations with access to mainstream funding
Emergency funding
5k – 10k


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Jan 15, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)

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