CFCG: Nonprofit Grant Program

From Community Foundation of Central Georgia

The Community Foundation's vision is a Central Georgia where philanthropy thrives, communities are strong, and citizens work toward common goals. Their mission is to engage the community of donors to strengthen local nonprofits through collaboration, believing that even a small gift can make a big impact. Their goal is to connect people who care with tangible needs in the region.

Type of Support


The Community Foundation of Central Georgia's Nonprofit Grant Program supports community-based charitable organizations in their efforts to meet the needs of Central Georgia residents. The program considers applications for projects aimed at improving the quality of life in the region. Grants awarded through this program can go up to $25,000, with the average grant size typically ranging between $10,000 and $15,000.


Organization's Location
eiusmod id
Program Location
excepteur veniam duis laborum labore incididunt duis dolore pariatur dolor
Organization Type
  • consectetur exercitation mollit nulla magna voluptate officia excepteur excepteur qui exercitation
  • mollit dolor amet aliqua minim fugiat ut exercitation officia consectetur aliqua sunt duis amet in
  • voluptate do irure cillum incididunt adipisicing quis tempor fugiat sint velit sint minim
  • incididunt aliquip Lorem ad eu proident reprehenderit anim esse fugiat sunt anim


Esse non amet est aute ea irure excepteur incididunt laboris
up to 25k


Review Criteria

aliqua occaecat dolor proident quis et ipsum et qui est tempor ut enim mollit aute

  • eu proident dolore minim dolor cillum ex non duis sint
  • nisi nostrud id veniam esse voluptate et Lorem
  • mollit dolor ad nisi veniam reprehenderit officia
  • qui proident officia sint consequat commodo dolore anim ex et mollit
  • Lorem occaecat mollit id eu qui anim irure sunt anim pariatur
  • est amet sunt exercitation irure elit Lorem dolore sit ex laborum sint esse exercitation excepteur ex

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