CFMC: Opportunity Fund Grant

    From Community Foundation for Monterey County

    The Community Fund for Carmel Valley (CFCV) aims to serve residents, businesses, and organizations in Carmel Valley by enabling contributions to the greater good. As an affiliate of the Community Foundation for Monterey County, it leverages administrative, investment, and grantmaking expertise to improve the lives of community members both presently and in the future. Governed by a local advisory board of volunteer community members, its mission centers around oversight, fundraising, setting grantmaking priorities, and awarding grants to achieve substantial local impact.

    Type of Support


    CFMC's small Opportunity grants program seeks to support a broad spectrum of needs by offering financial assistance to emerging organizations, urgent needs, and other time-sensitive ventures where a modest fund could create significant impact. The grants, typically ranging between $1,000 and $5,000, with the possibility of up to $10,000 for exceptional cases, are aimed at new projects or pilot programs that address vital community needs, urgent projects requiring immediate attention, and ongoing program expenses. This competitive grants program is crafted to assist nonprofits in Monterey County facing urgent situations or needing seed money to test innovative ideas or opportunities. It serves as an accessible point for emerging organizations and new ventures, especially those that have not previously received CFMC funding. The program encourages proposals that promote opportunity and achievement gaps closure, increase access to services by reducing barriers, and focus on preventive, upstream approaches to address root causes. These efforts should ultimately contribute to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion based on lived experiences and informed data.


    Organization's Location
    id eu
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    5k – 20k


    Visit Apply for more information.

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