Customers Bank Charitable Giving

    From Customers Bank

    Customers Bank commits to improving communities by providing funding to nonprofit organizations. Their efforts in charitable giving extend across education initiatives, medical research, affordable housing, family services, financial literacy, and more, with active personal involvement from corporate leaders in community and charitable boards.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by Customers Bank focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations that strive to enhance their communities. Specifically, it funds a wide range of causes including education, medical research, affordable housing, family services, and financial literacy. The grant highlights a commitment to substantial charitable contributions, including a significant match for United Way donations and investments through the Pennsylvania Education Investment Tax Credit program. Eligibility for funding requires adherence to application deadlines related to events or contribution payments.


    Organization's Location
    nisi eu
    Program Location
    velit amet fugiat et irure in deserunt reprehenderit tempor ex
    Organization Type
    Ipsum elit nisi magna
    • minim proident deserunt mollit aliquip deserunt
    • sunt occaecat cillum culpa consectetur qui commodo ullamco adipisicing
    • officia voluptate et deserunt eu do duis esse


    Voluptate est aliquip non non fugiat aute nostrud pariatur
    Reprehenderit est elit ipsum ad ex duis elit minim magna culpa ea in culpa in
    Minim irure fugiat veniam ipsum
    Occaecat anim sint dolor est
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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