Freedom in Practice Grants Program

    From Rising Tide Foundation

    Rising Tide Foundation promotes freedom and prosperity for all, advocating for a market economy, limited government, and the rule of law. They believe in individual flourishing through voluntary exchange and aim to address poverty by respecting individual dignity and moral agency. Their goal is to support projects that eliminate obstacles for creative individuals, offering a "hand up" instead of a "hand-out," and oppose big-government and crony capitalism interventions.

    Type of Support


    The Rising Tide Foundation's grant program is focused on supporting projects that align with their core beliefs of personal freedom, market economy, and opposition to interventions by big government and crony capitalism. The broad goals of the grant include developing private sector solutions to societal problems, offering alternatives to government and crony capitalist interventions, enhancing individual self-determination and capacity for peaceful, voluntary cooperation, and discovering new methods to effectively teach freedom. The foundation prioritizes projects that empower individuals, teach freedom, develop private sector solutions, and induce systems change. Funding is available for projects lasting up to 5 years, with a preference for one-time funding and direct beneficiary impact within 3 years. Funding amounts are project-specific, without preset maximums or averages.


    Organization's Location
    quis non
    Program Location
    Organization Type


    Culpa magna ad
    Culpa proident duis amet
    Exercitation do voluptate eiusmod minim fugiat
    Sunt adipisicing dolore consectetur adipisicing
    Duis reprehenderit reprehenderit nulla
    Aliqua aliquip minim enim in est
    Eu exercitation ea aliquip
    Lorem minim do et commodo
    Sunt quis consectetur exercitation ad ea ullamco voluptate
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    excepteur occaecat dolore proident eiusmod aliqua commodo elit tempor nulla labore est sunt reprehenderit culpa mollit laboris culpa sit do deserunt

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