The Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation Grant

The Foundation was established exclusively for recognition of religious, charitable, scientific, educational, literary or educational purposes, and to promote the welfare of mankind.

Type of Support


To apply, the Organization’s focus must comply with the Foundation’s Mission Statement: “for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary or educational purposes, to promote the welfare of mankind and to the acquisition, production, preservation, collection, promotion, appreciation and exhibition of fine arts.”


Organization's Location
veniam excepteur
Program Location
dolore amet est
Organization Type

cillum occaecat voluptate exercitation do excepteur id non sunt reprehenderit consequat aute culpa ad culpa nulla occaecat in dolor

up to 1M


Required Attachments
sint pariatur
quis non aute
aliquip anim
velit amet
Contact info
(555) 555-5555
dolore exercitation cillum velit excepteur non ea laboris pariatur ipsum ad dolor occaecat laborum cillum

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