F1rst Jobs Fund Grant

From Essex County Community Foundation

The Essex County Community Foundation (ECCF) acts as the fiduciary agent for funds, such as donations from Columbia Gas, to facilitate grant programs. While their broader mission isn't specified here, their role involves administering grants aimed at supporting community and economic development efforts.

Type of Support


The F1rstJobs Fund aims to offer teens aged 14-21 in the North Shore area their first job experiences. It provides not only an opportunity for valuable job training and experience but also a source of income during the summer months. Additionally, the program supports nonprofit organizations by covering the salaries of these additional summer employees, thereby benefiting both the youth involved and the organizations they serve.


Organization's Location
voluptate cupidatat
Program Location
nisi Lorem ex
Organization Type
  • sit reprehenderit quis consectetur consectetur minim ea Lorem aute cillum enim irure est tempor est amet qui esse exercitation irure in pariatur labore qui reprehenderit sit
  • pariatur qui pariatur aliqua dolore pariatur eu incididunt cillum
  • qui exercitation laboris mollit duis non incididunt cupidatat labore nulla
not specified


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