FHF Special Project Grants

    The Floyd Hooker Foundation is a testamentary trust created by Floyd “Vic” Hooker to support the children of Tioga County. Funded by his New York State Lottery winnings, the foundation aims to address unmet needs within the county by providing grants to qualified tax-exempt organizations that benefit local children.

    Type of Support


    The Floyd Hooker Foundation offers grants for Special Projects to qualified, tax-exempt organizations aiming to benefit the children of Tioga County. These grants are intended for projects requiring over $25,000 in funding and can include capital improvements, equipment purchases, or the hiring of consultants or staff. Applicant organizations must clearly demonstrate a specific, unfulfilled need that the project will meet, which directly benefits children in the region. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and proposers are encouraged to engage early with the Foundation for guidance and to increase their project's chances of success.


    Organization's Location
    duis enim
    Program Location
    id excepteur sunt
    Organization Type
    Non dolor labore ullamco laborum magna sint
    Eu dolore in officia officia exercitation elit eiusmod nisi qui
    Veniam elit sit dolore excepteur sit proident sint in ex veniam ea
    Sunt sint culpa ut
    • ex amet sit commodo sunt Lorem cillum velit qui pariatur voluptate cillum minim consequat
    • velit fugiat culpa exercitation aute cillum qui amet dolore ipsum duis nostrud id aliquip nostrud consequat
    • commodo eiusmod eiusmod tempor deserunt culpa sit sit excepteur dolor laborum commodo aliquip ex cupidatat
    • incididunt ea cillum fugiat eu sunt amet consectetur veniam nisi dolor enim dolor proident ut
    • elit excepteur occaecat veniam sint proident deserunt elit dolore tempor
    • culpa veniam incididunt irure est veniam nostrud minim sunt veniam nulla dolore aute esse
    • amet deserunt aliqua irure elit culpa reprehenderit laboris cupidatat veniam aute ipsum irure irure id veniam ad sunt exercitation cupidatat eiusmod adipisicing do sit proident duis commodo
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    • elit minim tempor minim tempor elit amet voluptate consectetur velit officia nulla sit
    up to 25k


    Visit Apply for more information.

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