Arts for All Partnership Grant

From The Foundation for Enhancing Communities

The Greater Harrisburg Community Foundation (GHCF) aims to improve area communities by supporting "upstream" solutions that address the root causes of societal issues. Through various grants and funding opportunities, GHCF seeks to empower nonprofit organizations to create lasting, positive social change by tackling problems at their source, rather than merely managing symptoms. By focusing on systemic solutions, GHCF supports a diversity of projects that enhance the quality of education, health, environment, and other critical community needs.

Type of Support


The Arts for All Partnership Grant focuses on broadening access to the arts within the Capital Region by supporting nonprofit organizations that conduct programs aimed at integrating cultural appreciation among underserved audiences. The grant prioritizes proposals that aim to increase arts access through free public performances, ticket subsidy programs, innovative engagement strategies for young audiences, and educational outreach. Additionally, the grant considers funding for equipment purchases that significantly enhance program efficiency, initiate new programs, or greatly improve existing ones. Grant awards vary, with a maximum of $5,000, and applicants cannot rely on the grant to fund 100% of their projects.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Franklin County, Lebanon County, Perry County, York County)
Organization Type
Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Nonprofit organizations recognized by the IRS
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Serving Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry counties, and the Dillsburg Area of Northern York County
  • Located within 20 miles of center city Harrisburg


National and statewide umbrella organizations that cannot demonstrate a local presence
Religious organizations for religious purposes
Capital campaigns
Direct lobbying to influence legislation or funding appropriations
New staff positions without a substantial plan for sustainability
Retroactive projects
Projects where 100% funding is sought from the Arts for All Partnership
up to 7.5k


Review Criteria

Preference will be shown for initiatives that enhance participation in the arts and improve accessibility for a variety of audiences, particularly those from underserved or economically challenged backgrounds.

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