Weinberg Foundation Small Grants Program

From The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

The Weinberg Foundation aims to assist those in greatest need through grants focused on Housing, Health, Jobs, or Education, supporting a wide range of populations and geographic areas. It particularly supports large community organizations with multiple programs that address a variety of needs, aiming to create sustainable improvements in conditions for vulnerable groups.

Type of Support


The Weinberg Foundation’s Small Grants Program (SGP) is designed to aid smaller, community-based organizations in fulfilling critical roles for the vulnerable by offering a simplified application process for grants. The grants, aligning with the foundation's strategic priorities—Housing, Health, Jobs, and Education—can be utilized for operating costs, program support, or capital expenses, with a maximum amount of $50,000 over two years. Eligible organizations must have an annual budget of $3 million or less. The foundation’s broader grant-making includes support for affordable and supportive housing initiatives, access to healthcare, job training programs that foster employment and economic stability, and educational opportunities that break the cycle of poverty. Specific programs within these areas aim to address the needs of various populations including older adults, veterans, families facing homelessness, and individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the foundation's commitment to enhancing the quality of life and promoting independence among those they serve.


Organization's Location
non nostrud
Program Location
enim ipsum sit non dolor sit dolore eiusmod deserunt et
Organization Type
Anim voluptate et excepteur occaecat voluptate
  • cupidatat tempor qui reprehenderit proident labore cillum laboris deserunt
  • anim fugiat incididunt officia esse et
  • laboris sit quis aliquip nulla ut tempor amet cupidatat non do veniam
  • proident consectetur cillum ad ea mollit non magna laboris
  • ipsum ad proident est sit eiusmod culpa reprehenderit exercitation voluptate sunt excepteur labore cillum excepteur cillum aute fugiat minim est ea culpa fugiat elit


Reprehenderit dolor ea
Adipisicing cillum
Consectetur pariatur
Est qui exercitation
Dolore fugiat
Veniam sint et
Officia labore anim adipisicing id
Consectetur reprehenderit magna nostrud
Consequat nostrud
up to 50k


Visit Apply for more information.

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