SFF: Mission-Aligned Grantmaking - Seed Grants

The Skees Family Foundation aims to eliminate global poverty by partnering with community organizations focusing on job creation and vocational or entrepreneurial training to ensure everyone has the opportunity to live a prosperous, self-determined life. They emphasize equality, respect, trust, solidarity, boldness, innovation, and hope, striving to impact families facing poverty and adversity through shared resources and learning.

Type of Support


The Skees Family Foundation provides mission-aligned grants primarily to organizations outside the United States, leveraging their budget to achieve greater impact internationally. These grants support economic development and job creation in a variety of global communities. Additionally, the foundation offers Seed Grants for emerging organizations with annual budgets under $250,000. Seed Grants are structured to increase over a three-year period to support start-up phase organizations in their capacity building efforts without restricting the use of funds.


Organization's Location
officia velit
Program Location
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Organization Type
Proident do occaecat incididunt Lorem duis
In dolor exercitation proident proident
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
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2.5k – 7.5k


Visit Apply for more information.