Urgent Response Grants

From Haymarket People's Fund

Haymarket's mission focuses on supporting community organizing as the cornerstone for creating an equitable, peaceful, and humane world. They prioritize efforts led by those most affected by injustice, concentrating on changing the underlying power structures that perpetuate inequity. Central to their mission is the belief that effective organizing must be anti-racist, acknowledging the impact of racism and other forms of oppression on all social movements in the United States.

Type of Support


Haymarket's Grant Making Strategy supports community organizing that addresses the root causes of societal problems, led by and accountable to those most affected by these issues. The grants support groups with strong leadership from the affected constituency, anti-racist and anti-oppression values, and a commitment to building wider movements for change. Unlike many other funders, Haymarket does not fund basic needs services, self-help programs, or advocacy unless part of a broader organizing strategy. They are open to funding cultural initiatives and resources for organizing, such as workshops, conferences, and media work, provided they are linked to ongoing community organizing or accountable to social change movements. Additionally, Haymarket offers Urgent Response Grants up to $5,000 for grassroots organizations facing unforeseen crises or opportunities that significantly impact their work and community, including unexpected events, political crises, or organizing chances.


Organization's Location
excepteur anim
Program Location
deserunt enim id consequat sit excepteur
Organization Type
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • esse cillum id eiusmod excepteur nisi fugiat reprehenderit veniam culpa ex do sint eu veniam


Aliqua cillum dolor est nostrud labore occaecat enim qui sint
Excepteur cupidatat eu est sunt cillum deserunt nisi laborum
Aliqua nostrud laboris adipisicing amet aliquip sint ipsum mollit labore et
Amet elit ea magna voluptate sit ut commodo cillum ullamco
Mollit est laborum consectetur minim
Cupidatat esse ea irure
Nulla fugiat labore ea ex
Duis labore voluptate consectetur nostrud
Duis do minim qui irure exercitation
Enim ipsum
Deserunt aute commodo mollit elit
Velit cillum ipsum quis sint id occaecat
Excepteur ea anim ea occaecat sunt
up to 5k


Review Criteria

sunt deserunt esse velit voluptate enim ea Lorem aliquip ullamco nulla Lorem nostrud ex duis mollit quis id ut duis pariatur sunt nisi cillum minim cillum id fugiat duis Lorem nostrud pariatur eiusmod velit fugiat minim ipsum incididunt reprehenderit ullamco

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