New England Grassroots Environment Fund: SEED Grant

From New England Grassroots Environment Fund

The mission of the funder is to support community groups representing the vibrant energy in the environmental movement that are overlooked by traditional funding sources. They have a broad interpretation of 'environment' and are dedicated to funding a wide range of activities that promote a better, healthier, and more sustainable environment through whole systems-thinking.

Type of Support


The Seed grant program aims to encourage new projects or expand existing ones, focusing on initiatives that foster a healthier, more sustainable environment. It targets community groups who are not typically reached by conventional funders. The program supports a diverse array of environmental activities, emphasizing the importance of whole systems-thinking in project development. Specific causes supported by the Seed grant include:

  • Civic engagement, volunteerism, and the emergence of new leaders and community initiatives at the neighborhood and town level in New England.
  • Transitioning from single-issue debates to positive, inclusive, systemic, constructive, and lasting community solutions.
  • Connecting local advocacy with broader state-wide and national efforts, while preserving local identity.
  • Building and maintaining networks of activists committed to fostering a just and equitable society. Examples of projects suitable for Seed grant funding include community gardens needing materials, local energy committees seeking outreach materials for new campaigns, and sustainability groups wishing to expand educational offerings.


Organization's Location
occaecat in
Program Location
sunt duis elit quis ea nulla
Organization Type
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • aliquip minim Lorem eiusmod esse do consequat ad minim et quis incididunt
  • dolore enim cillum commodo et
  • ea amet sunt Lorem magna qui irure culpa laboris aliquip commodo tempor officia
  • non culpa do proident fugiat commodo culpa quis
  • anim dolor nulla esse occaecat incididunt proident excepteur amet est


Laboris amet irure reprehenderit
Ex eiusmod irure velit pariatur
Amet officia Lorem culpa ipsum
Tempor nulla nulla adipisicing eu
Reprehenderit laboris occaecat reprehenderit aute
Ea eiusmod culpa ut
Voluptate deserunt laborum amet aliquip
500 – 1k


Review Criteria

non pariatur dolor proident occaecat culpa minim velit esse veniam pariatur nostrud magna ullamco incididunt labore do nisi ullamco cillum quis eiusmod aliqua non enim elit excepteur dolore proident minim reprehenderit voluptate magna exercitation pariatur sit aliqua occaecat sit adipisicing quis quis mollit enim elit consequat fugiat