The mission of the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation is to improve the quality of life within the communities associated with the career and legacy of California pioneer Henry Mayo Newhall. These communities include San Francisco, the Santa Clarita Valley of Los Angeles County, and the Santa Maria Valley in central California.
The Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation supports a wide range of program priorities aimed at enriching the lives of individuals in specific Californian communities. The foundation focuses on academic and cultural enrichment for children and youth, including programs in math and science, fine and visual arts, performing arts, computer literacy, tutoring, and mentoring. It also funds initiatives related to agriculture, animal welfare, conservation, college scholarship programs, historical preservation, and outreach programs for the disadvantaged, such as homeless shelters, food banks, health centers, domestic violence shelters, and care for the elderly. Grants from the foundation are typically awarded for one year, ranging from $5,000 to $20,000, with the possibility of renewal based on performance and program effectiveness. While the foundation does not commit to ongoing support beyond the initial grant, it is open to considering requests for multi-year funding to aid in effective program planning by supported institutions.
The Foundation favors granting funds on a matching or challenge basis, aiming to amplify its contribution by encouraging additional support from other benefactors.