Highland Street Foundation Grant

From Highland Street Foundation

The Highland Street Foundation is committed to addressing the most pressing needs and concerns for children and families in Massachusetts and California. They provide access and opportunities in education, housing, mentorship, health care, environment, and the arts.

Type of Support


The grants we make tend to stem from the relationships our trustees have built with our nonprofit partners. The grants primarily support education, youth programming and mentoring, housing and homelessness prevention, environment, healthcare, and the arts.


Organization's Location
amet amet
Program Location
Organization Type
  • cupidatat proident quis labore id eiusmod minim
  • consequat in in sint aliquip pariatur duis laborum nulla consectetur nisi laborum dolor aliquip excepteur et minim
  • tempor commodo veniam mollit anim proident enim ipsum sunt ex et


Deserunt consectetur laboris laborum cupidatat
not specified


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