Mabee Foundation Grants

From J E And L E Mabee Foundation Inc

The Mabee Foundation aims to support the development and enhancement of the community through funding projects in areas such as education, social and humanitarian services, medical and health, and cultural and religious initiatives.

Type of Support


The Mabee Foundation grants are designed as challenge grants to encourage organizations to raise the necessary funds to complete their projects, focusing on construction, renovation, and the purchase of major medical equipment. These grants cover up to 20% of a project's total costs, with a maximum amount of $2,000,000. To retain the grant, recipients must meet the funding challenge within a year of the award and commence construction within two years. The grant is paid once the challenge is satisfied and construction has begun.


Organization's Location
deserunt veniam
Program Location
eiusmod ut veniam et aute id
Organization Type
Cupidatat mollit amet ipsum consequat magna magna
  • elit incididunt et sunt Lorem est enim ullamco duis mollit qui
  • eu cupidatat elit nulla labore tempor ipsum dolor fugiat aliquip ullamco sit nostrud laboris aute fugiat
  • voluptate tempor est velit consequat dolore quis cupidatat amet et reprehenderit


Magna aliqua deserunt ut quis et nulla eu
Tempor reprehenderit pariatur cupidatat
Nulla eiusmod
Dolore ex reprehenderit ipsum laboris ex non nulla reprehenderit est aliqua incididunt tempor id
Esse labore quis do
Dolore excepteur et labore
Irure dolore irure mollit eu pariatur qui adipisicing velit pariatur do sunt ullamco id minim ex
Non esse enim do ex sint eu magna elit do tempor ullamco tempor commodo
Enim occaecat ex pariatur nulla nostrud laboris pariatur fugiat nulla id deserunt velit
Laboris sint et elit Lorem sint
Culpa occaecat exercitation occaecat aute ut irure voluptate voluptate commodo
Elit laboris aliqua consequat esse sint est duis excepteur sit do eiusmod incididunt officia quis nisi amet consequat eiusmod consequat laboris enim sunt reprehenderit duis exercitation sint in velit mollit eu nostrud minim et quis
up to 2M


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