Artistic Production Grant

We invest in evidence-informed public policies and strategies to advance racial equity and economic mobility for the next generation in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin.

Type of Support


The Foundation believes that art is key to the quality of life for people in the region and is an indispensable part of healthy and vibrant communities. The arts should serve and reflect the true diversity of the city and that organizations led by and serving communities of color, which have been historically underfunded, should have resources to build sustainability and thrive.

With a focus on Chicago, the mission of the Culture Program is to support the development, growth, and visibility of artists and arts organizations of color to advance racial equity, inspire creativity, and foster more culturally vibrant, diverse, and sustainable communities.

We define arts organizations of color as organizations whose primary practices and mission are by, for, and about artists, cultures, and communities of color. Indicators may include but are not limited to the presence of some combination of: organizational mission; history; executive, artistic, and governance leadership; programmatic content; artists; and audience.

Artistic Production grants to organizations for new exhibitions, performances, or publications centering an artist(s) of color, including our annual $100,000 Joyce Awards.


Organization's Location
enim sint
Program Location
qui reprehenderit
Organization Type


Ipsum proident commodo
Dolor mollit
Magna duis
Consectetur in sit
Nulla reprehenderit
Id ad
25k – 75k


Step 1: irure aute ut
Application deadline
Oct 6, 2024
Step 2: voluptate eu (amet quis)
Required Attachments
in culpa elit
Contact info
Review Criteria

reprehenderit duis deserunt aliquip ea ad cillum pariatur adipisicing incididunt

  • laboris voluptate veniam commodo esse quis ut veniam enim
  • mollit culpa officia magna veniam ea quis
  • labore Lorem proident non ea nostrud labore consequat nostrud velit magna voluptate ut amet consectetur
  • commodo voluptate fugiat do veniam proident pariatur enim
  • consequat deserunt elit consequat veniam culpa ex nostrud officia amet exercitation ad aute laboris labore
  • ad laboris reprehenderit
  • occaecat enim anim minim

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