LB Charitable Foundation Grant

Our mission is to provide financial support to non-profit organizations, human and health services, homeless shelters, military veterans, religious causes, humane societies, and victims of crimes and calamities.

Type of Support


Who we help:

  • Cure for cancer and other diseases through provided support of advanced medical research
    • When it comes to cancer and other diseases we want to be an organization that is not only ready to help but to support financially. We know how much diseases and unexpected diagnoses can be out of our control but we want to focus on things we can control. Through grants and donations we can help your organization get moving on research and a cure.
  • The homeless and community shelters
    • We here at LBCF don’t want anyone without a roof over their head. We want to battle and do our part in overcoming the homeless epidemic across the country. With efforts starting locally and expanding globally we know we can partner up with the right leaders and help those who are in need. 
  • Aid and relief to disabled veterans
    • We never want to take our freedom for granted and especially not to forget the sacrifice that was and is made everyday to protect our freedom. We want to help to make the transition from soldier to civilian a little easier. Uplifting and aiding veterans of all walks of life and experience to make them feel appreciated and never forgotten. 
  • Communities suffering from natural disasters
    • We want to rebuild, restructure and help when disaster happens in our country and surrounding communities. We not only are here when it happens but to prepare and fund strategies to help prevent disasters. With the parameters in place we can do our best to be ahead and ready.
  • Individuals suffering from substance abuse problems
    • There’s not a lot of life halting things like a family member or people stuck in an addiction. We want to either fund or provide the right routes of recovery to the best of our abilities. We care about their well-being and want them to get on their feet. Professional help is expensive and we here at LBCF don’t want the lack of financials to be the reason someone cant get the help they need.
  • Victims of gang and gun violence
    • The youth and the direction they are headed in is so vital to our community. With gangs and gun violence on the constant rise, we want to help. We want to be there when an unexpected gun injury to a loved one happens. Being a bridge from gangs and violence to a healthier path is what our aim is here at the LBCF. 
  • Christian ministries and outreach efforts
    • Supporting the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our world and community is with utmost importance here at LBCF. We know how much impact it can have and we are here to support any efforts locally or globally. With the spread of the hope and love that Jesus Christ offers we know that we can have an everlasting impact on the world. Supporting and providing means to make disciples through the great commission is one of our goals here at LBCF.
  • Local humane societies and animal shelters
    • We know and understand how important our animals are, not only to our homes but how they affect the communities and global resources. We want to aid the effort to keep our world and animal population healthy and thriving. Also helping with the training of service animals as well as training for the individual to receive one.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


Required Attachments
W9 Form
501(c)(3) Letter
Project Budget
Organizational Budget
Form 990
Learn more