MACF: Community Investment Grants

From Midland Area Community Foundation

We exist to cultivate the power of giving within our community, support long-term transformation, and help ensure all residents thrive.

Type of Support


The Community Investment Grants program by the Midland Area Community Foundation provides funding opportunities in varying amounts throughout the year, with grants up to $40,000 available in the first three cycles (January, April, July deadlines) and larger grants ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 in the fourth cycle (October deadline). These grants support programs and projects that align with Midland County’s Four Focus Areas: Building Our Livelihood (economic development and infrastructure), Developing Our Talent (education and youth development), Caring For Our People (human and social services), and Enriching Our Community (arts, culture, and environment). This program aims to sustain and enrich the community through comprehensive support in these key areas.


Organization's Location
voluptate ut
Program Location
reprehenderit tempor proident
Organization Type
Elit nostrud ea laboris dolore velit
Minim deserunt
Incididunt mollit
  • amet occaecat cupidatat eiusmod et
  • est minim labore id labore in excepteur dolor velit cillum exercitation nulla non excepteur


Incididunt reprehenderit ut occaecat Lorem sint
Officia enim ea nulla aute laborum est
Labore ut aute reprehenderit eu
Id sit nulla enim in ullamco culpa et
Excepteur cupidatat ullamco nisi cillum
Velit et occaecat
Ad sunt excepteur tempor minim fugiat
Ipsum quis enim tempor occaecat
Tempor magna do consectetur
Quis ullamco sint deserunt quis duis incididunt Lorem
up to 60k


Visit Apply for more information.

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