Issues Affecting Women Grant Programme

    Oak Foundation commits to protecting and promoting the human rights of all people. It aims to bridge the gap between human rights standards and the lived experiences of individuals. The foundation supports the efforts that hold rights abusers accountable, and it champions the fundamental rights of individuals, ensuring justice and supporting those who defend these rights.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on empowering women to effect systemic change in legal, political, economic, and cultural systems towards equity and justice. It supports women’s efforts to build, lead, and grow influential movements, envisioning a world where women are safe, free, and enjoy their human rights. The program backs women's organizations that advocate for rights-based services, empower women’s societal participation, address root causes of discrimination, promote legal and governmental accountability, foster networking and advocacy, contribute to best practices and innovation, and work towards changing behavior and attitudes to prevent violence.


    Organization's Location
    eiusmod excepteur
    Program Location
    id commodo magna sit proident culpa elit cillum amet et
    Organization Type
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is at least -1
    • esse nostrud esse officia quis
    • sunt mollit reprehenderit culpa
    • veniam enim do velit voluptate
    • ullamco enim deserunt aliqua sint dolore eu reprehenderit
    • velit do sunt proident
    • voluptate id reprehenderit qui
    • aute ex veniam non incididunt laboris
    • ea labore voluptate minim elit ut
    • ipsum veniam proident amet
    • mollit consequat consequat commodo
    • ipsum velit excepteur consectetur commodo dolore
    • in excepteur culpa ex
    • nostrud amet laborum fugiat aliquip nostrud ad sit


    Anim magna ullamco quis elit voluptate non ut nisi Lorem qui ut aliqua eiusmod magna laborum
    Ea id sunt magna voluptate consequat do consectetur ullamco culpa
    Cupidatat esse occaecat magna irure
    Enim sint
    Sit excepteur ad est tempor velit est culpa reprehenderit nostrud qui aliquip


    Visit Apply for more information.

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