Sid W. Richardson Grant: Human Services. K-12 Education, or Cultural Organizations

The Sid W. Richardson Foundation aims to serve the people of Texas by supporting nonprofit organizations. It focuses on advancing educational, health, human service, and cultural initiatives. Established in 1947 by Sid W. Richardson and with significant income from his estate in 1962, the Foundation has been fulfilling his vision of aiding his home state. The Foundation also maintains the Sid Richardson Museum, showcasing American West art, aligning with Richardson’s interest.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Sid W. Richardson Foundation is designed to support nonprofit organizations operating in Texas. The foundation focuses on advancing the missions of entities within the fields of human services, K-12 education, and cultural programs. It emphasizes making a significant impact through supporting organizations that align with its interest areas, reflecting Sid W. Richardson’s intent to improve the quality of life for the residents of Texas and preserve the cultural heritage of the American West. Applicants are required to submit a preliminary inquiry before proceeding with a formal application, stressing the foundation's interest in thoughtful and aligned proposals.


Organization's Location
velit minim
Program Location
exercitation magna incididunt est sint
Organization Type
Minim dolore id est id elit
Aliquip laboris fugiat fugiat ipsum excepteur exercitation commodo reprehenderit consectetur
Sint consequat aliqua irure ut laboris magna
  • in aute culpa sit voluptate ex exercitation adipisicing
  • labore velit ipsum esse fugiat adipisicing non excepteur duis tempor tempor sint voluptate quis velit veniam aute


Deserunt magna ea quis aute laboris
Qui fugiat cillum esse proident veniam
Nostrud occaecat excepteur ea deserunt
Ea irure irure dolore tempor qui
2.5k – 600k


Visit Apply for more information.

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