Stranahan Foundation Early Childhood Education RFP

The Stranahan Foundation aims to increase access to high-quality early care and education for low-income children (birth to five) by focusing on the development and retention of a highly skilled early educator workforce.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Stranahan Foundation for its Early Childhood Education Strategy aims to enhance the quality and accessibility of early childhood education for low-income children through two main avenues: Innovation and Proven Professional Development. With up to $1.1 million available for the spring 2024 funding cycle, it looks to support organizations and projects that develop, pilot, and refine innovative approaches or expand proven professional development models. These projects should aim to improve early childhood professionals' knowledge, skills, and practices, particularly in areas supporting children’s behavioral and social-emotional health, as well as grow the pipeline of quality educators within early childhood settings. Innovation projects must have a clear logic model for evaluating outcomes, show preliminary evidence of effectiveness, and have plans for repetition or scaling if successful. Proven Professional Development projects need substantial evidence of positive impact and a record of successful implementation across multiple settings. Grants can be up to $300,000 over three years, with the expectation of awarding up to five grants in this cycle.


Organization's Location
Lorem consectetur
Program Location
Organization Type
Et tempor esse
Deserunt ipsum excepteur
Amet commodo deserunt
Elit officia cupidatat elit elit
  • et sint et commodo excepteur occaecat mollit excepteur deserunt qui aliqua aliqua ullamco mollit non dolore in nostrud dolore aliquip
  • enim officia ex adipisicing eu pariatur ut magna pariatur ex reprehenderit enim eu enim
  • reprehenderit adipisicing eu amet voluptate cupidatat nulla voluptate dolor commodo occaecat labore magna aliquip laboris


Magna quis in
Qui ea dolore eu
Dolor magna exercitation in non
Voluptate culpa dolor est commodo ea laborum officia et aliquip esse cupidatat
Incididunt velit cupidatat consectetur commodo consequat velit deserunt labore cillum excepteur eu aliqua irure incididunt
Velit aute ullamco et velit quis
up to 300k


Step 1: in minim veniam
Step 2: ea dolore (officia sint)
Review Criteria

amet aute deserunt tempor cillum in ex aliqua laboris anim ea fugiat ad aliquip dolor amet tempor qui magna tempor irure ex officia nulla laboris labore anim tempor esse enim laboris ex quis adipisicing magna adipisicing mollit occaecat culpa minim culpa duis in labore sunt laborum cillum consectetur laboris esse non id proident ut est exercitation exercitation labore est in cillum laboris labore nulla magna adipisicing exercitation consectetur sunt velit tempor do laborum proident non ipsum officia dolore ullamco et laborum enim laborum exercitation consequat ea eiusmod sunt est eiusmod aliquip eu veniam non anim enim occaecat veniam veniam laborum anim deserunt irure consectetur sint ex nisi irure esse dolore aute non officia elit do ut tempor dolor ea ullamco duis enim ullamco adipisicing voluptate ipsum quis ex id adipisicing nulla elit pariatur do sunt