TCF: First Solar Community Giving Fund – Civic Engagement and Environmental Impact Grants

From Toledo Community Foundation

Toledo Community Foundation, Inc. aims to enrich the quality of life for individuals and families in its service area through a community-driven charitable organization, addressing a broad range of needs and preferences.

Type of Support


The Civic Engagement and Environmental Impact Grants offered by the First Solar Corporate Charitable Fund target projects that align with the company's commitment to community improvement and environmental sustainability. These grants specifically support initiatives that focus on green education, providing underserved communities with access to clean energy and water, and fostering innovation in sustainable technology. Eligible projects must seek funding above $10,000, with typical financial support ranging from $10,000 to $15,000. The grant program encourages global applicants but requests that applications be submitted in English, offering translation assistance when necessary. This grant program embodies First Solar's mission to promote renewable energy solutions and enhance environmental health and community well-being worldwide.


Organization's Location
in ullamco
Program Location
esse et cillum exercitation ut
Organization Type
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Step 1: velit nulla irure
Application deadline
Nov 7, 2024
Step 2: nostrud laboris (eu eu)
Review Criteria

officia ex fugiat nostrud amet sunt irure excepteur in aliqua quis laborum nisi sit ea anim

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