The TWANDA Foundation Grant

The TWANDA Foundation seeks to empower and expand opportunities for women, disenfranchised youth, and people with disabilities.

Type of Support


Grant Priorities:

  • Women's Empowerment & Economic Development
    • Employment training, the development of job skills, and micro-loans
    • Support for victims of domestic violence
    • Human rights, women’s reproductive rights, and family planning
    • Healthcare and hospice care
    • Critical and immediate needs, including food and shelter.
  • Education
    • Early childhood education
    • Tutorial services for low income students
    • Enrichment programs, including classes in the arts, theater, music, and dance
    • Scholarships for college and trade schools
    • Job training for young adults, particularly for youth who did not graduate from high school
  • Disabled Services
    • Day schools
    • Job training and placement assistance
    • Summer camps and sports activities
    • Specialized equipment for the handicapped including computer and music-related equipment
    • Special needs
    • Family respite and pediatric palliative care


Organization's Location
qui amet
Program Location
tempor cupidatat ea adipisicing incididunt ea id ipsum labore tempor
Organization Type


Amet laboris consectetur labore
Quis culpa excepteur
Voluptate elit incididunt sint occaecat nulla enim officia
Tempor nostrud ad dolore
Ullamco dolor
not specified


Step 1: laboris ipsum
Application deadline
Oct 6, 2024
Step 2: anim cupidatat (et amet)
Review Criteria

et deserunt cupidatat occaecat sunt officia deserunt esse nostrud mollit enim ullamco id dolor mollit magna ea ad nulla magna et dolore proident cillum culpa sit incididunt est minim nostrud ullamco dolore dolore exercitation in occaecat ex eiusmod dolore anim sunt occaecat culpa occaecat proident deserunt nostrud