Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Challenge Cost Share Grants

From US Department of the Interior: National Park Service (NPS)

The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.

Type of Support


The Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Challenge Cost Share program is designed to support projects that align with the National Park Service's mission and goals shared by project partners. Its broad goals include addressing the climate crisis and building resilience, increasing protected or restored lands and waters, improving equitable access to parks for youth from underserved communities, and enhancing public access to outdoor recreation. The program encourages projects that offer lasting benefits and foster new partnerships. Partners entering the program are required to match the funding received, up to $25,000 per project, with non-federal sources. Projects cannot use funding for NPS staff salaries or travel.


Organization's Location
dolore est
Program Location
Organization Type
Irure laborum
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  • velit sint ut Lorem cillum consectetur voluptate sunt culpa occaecat ad anim velit nulla tempor id labore sint
  • magna cillum ea dolor ipsum aute velit eu commodo aute excepteur
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Laboris ipsum
Do anim exercitation adipisicing irure amet dolore eiusmod cillum occaecat tempor minim
up to 25k


Visit Apply for more information.