Program Grant

From U.S. Venture/Schmidt Family Foundation

The U.S. Venture/Schmidt Family Foundation’s (USV/SFF) mission is to be a catalyst for change supporting self-sufficiency, community enrichment and vulnerable populations.

Type of Support


Program Grants will be awarded from the U.S. Venture/Schmidt Family Foundation (USV/SFF) to help the disadvantaged, improve the quality of people’s lives, and strengthen our communities.

Consideration is given to needs that fulfill the Foundation’s mission within the following impact areas:

  • Education
  • Jobs & Economy
  • Family Support & Social Connectedness
  • Physical Health
  • Psychological Health & Addiction
  • Human Services
  • Other


Organization's Location
Program Location
USA (AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NJ, NV, NY, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI), Canada (Montreal)
Organization Type
Public charities


Grants to individuals or specific families, to underwrite conference expenses, or to fund medical procedures or research
Events that occur before funding is awarded or previously incurred expenses
Political organizations or causes
Requests for support from schools or government agencies
Annual meetings
Religious organizations attempting to build membership or requiring specific religious affiliation for services rendered
Capital campaigns for schools, religious institutions, sports facilities and endowments
Organizations outside the geographic footprint of U.S. Venture facilities and its team members
not specified


You may receive awards every year.
Review Criteria

Program grants will typically fund:

  • Requests that demonstrate long-term results for a substantial number of people
  • Organizations with clarity of mission and a strong focus on effective outcomes
  • Organizations in good health, including financial stability, high caliber of staff and board
  • Requests with support from a broad base of funding sources; U.S. Venture prefers not to be the sole funder of any one project or program

The USV/SFF gives strong consideration to requests within our giving guidelines that show documented support (email, letters of support, board membership, donor or volunteer activity) from a U.S. Venture team member or shareholder.

Learn more