Watertown Area Community Foundation

    From Watertown Area Community Foundation

    The Watertown Area Community Foundation invests in the vitality and future of Watertown by supporting community priorities, responding to human service needs, and enhancing recreation, education, arts, and culture. It promotes philanthropy, administers charitable gifts, makes grants to local nonprofits, partners with local organizations, and invests strategically in the community, with a focus on leadership, forward-thinking, and encouraging community involvement.

    Type of Support


    The grant program of the Watertown Area Community Foundation aims to invest in the vitality and future of Watertown by awarding grants that support community priorities, respond to human service needs, and enhance recreation, education, arts, and culture. The Foundation accepts applications year-round and considers them during its monthly Board meetings. Projects are evaluated based on their potential to provide effective service to the people of Watertown, with the final determination made by the Board considering donor wishes, community needs, and organizational capacity. Fund Holders from other communities are also given the opportunity to contribute to their hometowns through this program.


    Organization's Location
    labore ut
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
    • aute Lorem irure adipisicing ex dolor nostrud sit irure nulla laborum id consectetur
    • incididunt eiusmod cillum exercitation et nostrud excepteur ad eiusmod quis ea aliquip tempor anim adipisicing
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    • irure nostrud nostrud incididunt ea proident labore in culpa mollit id exercitation
    • veniam reprehenderit adipisicing fugiat consectetur et ut aliquip aliquip amet duis
    not specified


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