Weil Foundation Grant

    From The Weil Foundation

    Andrew Weil created the Weil Foundation as a long-term funding mechanism for the advancement of integrative medicine through training, research, the education of the public, and policy reform.

    Type of Support


    The grant program provided by the Weil Foundation supports non-profit organizations by offering a limited number of "start-up" grants annually. These grants are primarily aimed at medical schools and/or residency programs, assisting them in developing educational programs in integrative medicine. Initially, these grants are awarded for one year, with the possibility for awardees to apply for additional one-year grants in subsequent years. The foundation prioritizes cooperation with other organizations to maximize impact, treats all grant-seekers equitably and with respect, maintains transparency in its operations, and is open to new ideas, critiques, and suggestions, all while safeguarding itself from inappropriate influences. This approach underscores the foundation's dedication to embodying the values of integrative medicine and the principles of effective philanthropy.


    Organization's Location
    elit ullamco
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Consequat mollit
    Voluptate labore nulla cillum


    Ad tempor esse anim quis consequat
    up to 300k


    Required Attachments
    aute voluptate
    id ut
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    elit proident ex aute anim culpa ea esse et sint non
    Review Criteria

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